Thursday, September 8, 2011

Marketing Stunts to Promote Books

For some authors and publishers, the answer has lately come from attention grabbing stunts, such as novelist Jennifer Belle's hiring of several dozen female actresses to ride the subways of New York and laugh uproariously while reading her book. The stunt got a lot of press, with ample coverage in New York media including the New York Times and New York Post, according to Publishing perspectives editor Ed Nawotka. A stunt by German publisher Eichborn  had promotional banners tied to flies (the living, buzzing kind), which were released at the Frankfurt Book Fair. American author Brad Meltzer  put together a funny YouTube video mostly featuring members of his own family giving his books poor reviews - including a small child's comment: "Interesting premise if you don't think about it too much."

From an article in the Southern Review News & Bargain Book News. The links were added by us so you can read more & really enjoy these stunts!

1 comment:

wandy said...

Great review. I like the UK cover, so cute. I haven't read and I've been undecided so far.
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