Each winner will receive a copy of the Amazon Bestseller, The Distant Shore by Mariam Kobras PLUS one of these great prizes!
Please visit & patronize these Etsy businesses who are participating in our Blog Hop. Small businesses like these are the heart of the American economy!
One Dozen Southern Red Velvet and Cream Cheese - Cake Truffles from HappyBakery on Etsy, to enjoy while reading this luscious book.
Tea Cup & Saucer Scented Candle from PamZFunkyJam on Etsy, to set the mood as you are transported to glamorous locales.
Moonlight Cobalt blue Beach Glass Necklace from MimosaMornings on Etsy, to slip around your neck and play out scenes from the book in your mind.
Pink Silk Rose Applique from ConeldasCreationson on Etsy, to pin on your most romatic hat before heading out for that secret rendezvous.
9 BBJ Mae Rose Bath Fizzles from ButterbyJolez on Etsy, to scent that long, hot bath before your evening out with that someone special, or just for a soak while devouring a good book like The Distant Shore!
Multipetaled Flower Brooch from ClytemnestrasCloset on Etsy, this brooch is 2.5" in diameter and made with vintage ribbon that changes from green to pink. The two leaves are made with vintage ribbon and the stamens in the center are vintage as well. All hand sewn, there is a felt backing with a bar pin. The perfect accent for that dreamy dress or scarf you'll wear. It's guaranteed to bewitch the subject of your affection just as the characters in The Distant Shore will bewitch you!
4 Rose Jasmine Natural Bath Teas from peachycreamcorner on Etsy. Drop one of these in your bath for a relaxing, romantic soak after a day with your beloved.
Buttons and Pearls Retractable Tape Measure from fairbanksfancygoods on Etsy. Does your love "measure up"?
One lucky winner will also win a box of tea directly from Harrod's in London, where Naomi and Jon take tea the day he proposes to her, and a Distant Shore Mug!
Four lucky winners will also receive one small box of Godiva Mini Hearts because love and chocolate just go together!
How Do I Enter?
Visit the each blog on the hop on the day Mariam is featured and leave a comment after that post. One comment per Blog. (possible 13 chances total)How Can I Earn Additional Chances?
Tweet a link to each blog on the day Mariam is featured. (Must include the twitter tag #TDSBlogHop in order to be counted) (one chance per tweet)
Post a link on your Facebook page to that day's blog stop. Then leave us a comment at the end of THIS post (below) with a link to your Facebook post. (one chance per link)
Like us at Buddhapuss Ink on Facebook (one chance)
Like us at The Distant Shore on Facebook (one chance)
Follow us on twitter @Buddhapuss (one chance)
Visit any or all of the prize links above - then tweet a link to each shop! (by clicking the twitter bird on their shop page. You must include our twitter tag #TDSBlogHop in your tweet to be counted) (one chance per tweet)
Visit any or all of the prize links above - then click the Facebook button on their shop page. Then leave a comment at the end of this post with a link to your facebook post. (one chance per link)
That's a LOT of chances to win some very romantic prizes!
Where Will Mariam Be?
Wed Jan 25 Interview http://pjkaiser.com/2012/
Thur Jan 26 Interview http://blog.fayerapoportdespres.com/?p=1408
Fri Jan 27 Guest Post http://chicklitreviewsandnews.com/2012/01/author-article-mariam-kobras-author-of-the-distant-shore/
Mon Jan 30 Guest Post http://serenitywriter.wordpress.com/2012/01/29/five-reasons-by-mariam-kobras/
Tue Jan 31 Guest Post http://www.samhilliard.com/wordpress/2012/01/30/distant-shore-love-is-in-the-air-blog-stop/
Wed Feb 1 Guest Post http://teresasreadingcorner.com/2012/02/01/author-spotlight-mariam-kobras-author-of-the-distant-shore/
Thur Feb 2 Review http://www.junyingkirk.com/?p=1492
Fri Feb 3 Interview http://dawnmkirby.wordpress.com/2012/02/03/meet-mariam/
Sat Feb 4 Review http://www.amberrisme.com/2012/02/04/a-written-masterpiece-in-the-distant-shore/
Mon Feb 6 Interview http://changingyourgrip.com/blog/?p=568
Tue Feb 7 Guest Post http://www.elizabethawhite.com/2012/02/07/slaying-dragons-by-mariam-kobras/
Wed Feb 8 Review http://www.carrickpublishing.com/?p=1340
Thur Feb 9 Review http://tweet-treats.blogspot.com/2012/02/distant-shore-review.html
Fri Feb 10 Guest Post http://insatiablereaders.blogspot.com/2012/02/blog-tour-love-is-in-air-with.html
Sun Feb 12 Guest Post http://dudleydorights.blogspot.com/2012/02/distant-shore-blog-hop-tour-stop-15.html
Mon Feb 13 Review & Interview http://anadventureinreading.blogspot.com/2012/02/mariam-kobras-interview-distant-shore.html
NOTE: Contest is limited to US/CANADA Addresses only!
I am here!! lol I love the black kitty logo! ;))
Welcome, Lu! Good to see you here. Take a look around, this is where my writing is at home. :)
Wishing you a very excting day tomorrow
Liked you both on facebook Know I cant win as I am in France but hey ho cest la vie :)
I'm liking and sharing over at my author page: http://www.facebook.com/JohannaHarness
Wishing you all the best!
I feel absolutely giddy over the success of this story. What an honor to know this amazing woman!
hoping to win!! ;))
Thank you ALL! I'm the lucky one here, I'm with the publisher I adore, and surrounded by friends I love! :)
Liked Buddhapuss Ink on Facebook (one chance) -- user name Cathe Fein Olson
Liked The Distant Shore on Facebook (one chance)
User name Cathe Fein Olson
Oo dear so many prizes... Alas, I can't partake soon I'll be moving with no forwarding address & I would HATE to miss out on any of those yummies! But I will share the love ;) Congrats!!
Liked all the FB pages, and followed your twitter~
also shared on FB: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=179889822117829&id=100002752747884
Tea Cup and Saucer Scented Candle by pamzfunkyjam on Etsy
I'm liking and tweeting!
lag110 at mchsi dot com
shared on fb: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=319706481406488&id=100002752747884
Wow, what a lovely selection of gifts. Even though I'm not eligible to win any (living in the Uk :), I'm delighted that vistors to my site and others are offered such wonderful treats.
I am looking forward to the Valentine's day and see who are the lucky winners. Best of luck, everyone!
posted on FB: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=347451898611793&id=100002752747884
I have commented sweetie!! ;)))) The book rocks
shared blog spot #10 on fb: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=230139780407271&id=100002752747884
shared on fb: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=228975203860296&id=100002752747884
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