Mom Still Likes You Best: The Unfinished Business Between Siblings by
Jane Isay
My rating:
5 of 5 stars
I savored this
, dipping in slowly. Isay's years as an editor show in this tightly woven collection of sibling stories. No fat here, all meat. And what meat it is. Exploding both the myth of the eternally "loving" siblings, as well as the movie version of brothers and sisters forever at odds, she shows us reality. One where siblings love and hate, support and destroy, protect and shred each other, sometimes on a daily/hourly basis. I highly recommend this book for all siblings. The ones you love and the ones you haven't talked to in years!
, beg, or borrow a copy. Read it. Then give it to your siblings to read. You might just discover you have more in common that you thought! (I did.) Thanks Jane!
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